Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to Get Ripped and Lean. Complete Carb Cycling Diet to get in the best shape of your life.

Here is how Pro bodybuilders and fitness models get incredibly ripped for magazine covers!

Just a warning, this diet is not easy.  This diet is meant to get you to a spot where you peak and then go back to a ready state of fitness.  Meaning you look the best you possibly can, for a vacation, a competition or just because, then you go back to eating like you normally would. As this is most likely not sustainable unless you like this sort of thing. 

So, if you are working out and putting the time in at the gym and you want to see those results please read below.

Mike Porter, who is a Natural Professional Bodybuilder with NGA has gracefully provided us with his exact diet on how he gets ripped, lean and huge for a competition, a vacation or a photo shoot.

To give you a few stats on Mike-
5ft 11inches, Off season weight is about 230, competition weight is around 190.  If you are a smaller person, or a female you do not need to eat as much as Mike does.  He is trying to maintain and even try to build muscle while he is cutting down weight so his protein intake is very high.

Please watch the video to see why Mike chose this type of diet.

Mike's Carb-Cycling Diet

Day One
 Meal 1  6 egg whites
   1/2cup oatmeal (can add strawberries or walnuts)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 2  6-8oz of lean protein
   1 tsp of MCT oil
   12 oz water
 Meal 3  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 4  1 small sweet potato
 Meal 5  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)

Day 2
 Meal 1  6 egg whites
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 2  6-8oz of lean protein
   1 tsp of MCT oil
   12 oz water
 Meal 3  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 4  1 small sweet potato
 Meal 5  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)

Day 3
 Meal 1  6 egg whites
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 2  6-8oz of lean protein
   1 tsp of MCT oil
   12 oz water
 Meal 3  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 4  1 small sweet potato
 Meal 5  6-8oz of lean protein
   4oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)

Day 4 Carb up day
 Meal 1  6 egg whites
   1/2cup oatmeal (can add strawberries or walnuts)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
   ½ cantaloupe
 Meal 2  1 banana
   1 small sweat potato
   4oz orange juice
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 3  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 4  6-8oz of lean protein
   1 small sweat potato
   1tsp of MCT oil
Meal 5  6-8oz of lean protein
   ½ cup of rice or small sweet potato
   4oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)
   1tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 6  ½ cup of oatmeal
   small banana
   1 tsp of MCT oil

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Questions on a diet plan for you?
Check us out on YouTube.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

How to Get Ready for a Bikini Competition High Intensity Interval Training, Total Body Workout .

First I am going to start with a low impact version of the high knees movement. I am just going to bring my leg up and bring your hands to the opposite side knee. Make sure that your core is tight while you do the movement. For a higher impact you do this. Alright, next I am going to do some pushups.

 As you can see I have my knees touching the floor. If you are strong enough and you can do them without your knees touching, that is fine. Unfortunately I am not quite there yet. We are really working on chest and triceps here with this push up movement. Alright next I am going to do a plie squat jack or a squat jumping jack. Alright next I am going to do a squat with a medicine ball. When I squat down I drive through my heels and jump up with the medicine ball. This movement works the core, legs and shoulders. Squat down keep your butt back and back straight and jump up. This exercise is a ladder heisman move. That is going to focus on the abs and legs.

For this exercise I am doing mountain climbers. There are two different ways, the low impact which I am going to do first. Then the higher impact.

On this exercise we are doing lunges, she will be doing lunges without weights. As you get better at lunges, you can add weights to get a better workout. This will work your quads and hamstrings. Let's do fifteen. What I am doing is pushing off my heels. I like to keep my hands together when I lunge to keep my balance. There's ten. Five move. Almost there. Come on finish strong.

So on this one I am doing plank punches. Then I will be doing side plank punches. This will work your abs. You get in the plank position. Come up punch, switch arms so you get your shoulders in there as well. Tighten your core, so it works your abs and obliques. I will show you how it looks. You can also come down here and do side punches. As you get better at it you can lift your leg up and keep it in front of you. It really works your core more. As you can tell I am getting tired because these are hard.
Alternate back and forth, and that is a great move for your abs.

Thanks for Watching Real Fitness Reviews. We are just showing you a few tips and tricks to get ready for obviously bikini. And also tighten up the core and everything else you need to work on as well. Stay tuned we will do another episode soon.

    Thursday, February 6, 2014

    How to Get Ready for a Bodybuilding or Bikini Competition.

    How to get ready for a bodybuilding or bikini competition.

    Hi Fitness Fans. So you want to get ready for a body building or Bikini show right?  Ok,  so here are a few of the things that you will want to start prepping for.

    Pick a show and set the date.  You don't want to be like the engaged couple who never could pull the trigger and commit to a wedding date.  Setting a date and telling others will force force you to follow through.

    Find a work out or accountability partner aka workout buddy.   Having someone that you can work out with will make the bodybuilding journey you are on that much easier.  If you can find a mentor that can teach you how to pose, if not we have a great video for bodybuilding posing.

    Pick a nutrition plan and stick with it.  There are so many diet plans to get you ready for a bodybuilding show that it can be difficult to pick and stay with only one.   If you don't see results right away, don't jump ship and start doing something else as it will throw off your momentum.  I have seen a lot of people succeed with a carb cycling diet.

    Stay motivated.  Make sure you don't compare yourself too much to your competition. As long as you are doing your diet one hundred percent and doing your lifting and cardio, then you are only competing with yourself.  Now if there is something else you can do like another set or two here and there, then have at it as competition breeds progress.

    Stay positive, keep engaged with like minded people. Join a group or two on Twitter or Google Plus where you can share ideas and motivation.  

    For more helpful Diet and workout tips please check us out at YouTube.
    For Supplement Reviews and What our in house Natural Pro Bodybuilder, Mike Porter, takes please visit us at our site.  

    Wednesday, February 5, 2014

    Carb Cycling. Get ripped and lean with a Carb Cycling Diet. Natural Pro Bodybuilder Shows you how.

    Hello fitness fans Steve Twomey here with Mike Porter and we are Real Fitness Reviews.  Right now we are 11 weeks out for Mike’s next NGA Natural Professional Bodybuilding show.  Mike right now is doing a carb cycling diet to prepare for his next show.

    I know a lot of people have heard a lot of buzz about carb cycling in order to get lean.  We are here to show you what a carb cycling diet is like and its real world application for you to get ripped, get ready for beach ,the gym or if you have a competition get ready for that. 

    Basically what it is, is a carb depletion diet.  So basically we start at day one, we slowly decrease the carb intake over a four day cycle.  We start with our protein and figure out how many grams of protein you need to ingest based on your bodyweight.

    Typically 1 gram per pound of body weight.  Some people will tell you 1.5 per grams per pound of body weight if you are trying to build muscle.   Then, we are going to play with our cycle your carb intake.  We are going to deplete down to the point where your body is almost consuming muscle.
     Day one of the four days will have more carbs, then we will taper off where we are consuming less carbs every day until the fourth day.  

    Then we are going to bring all these carbs back in.  The sugars and the carbs get reintroduced to the muscles. The goal of the carb cycling diet is to lose just a little bit, if we lose more than two pounds a week, then we are worried about losing muscle.  

    So basically we are trying to slowly take the fat off, burn the fat but hold onto as much muscle as possible to get ready for a show.   That is basically what I do. I take anywhere from 12-14 weeks to step down as slowly as possible to get the granular muscles, the separation of muscles that shows up on stage during a competition.  That is essentially what a carb cycling diet does and what it does for you. 

    As a  natural pro bodybuilder another thing that we (wife Susan Porter, a Bikini competitor) take is MCT oil.   MCT stands for Medium Chain Triglyceride. It is a fat that your body does not think is a fat.  As soon as you take it, your body thinks it is a carb of some sort, and your body uses it for energy.   Your body never stores it as fat, but on a low carb diet there is low energy.  

    Which is why MCT oil is great as it gives you fuel to convert to energy.    It is also a clean calorie which is great for when you are dieting or in the off season. Another supplement that I take is amino acids.  Amino acids help in building or retaining muscle, repairing the muscle when you are sore.   

    Protein powder is a huge part of working out as you break your muscles down when you work out, your body needs protein to feed those hungry muscles and recover.  
    We use Beverly International protein.  It is a whey and casein protein, which is a fast and slow digesting protein.   

    I use C4 by Cellucor for my Pre Workout supplement Reviews.  I really like C4 because it gives me the tingling feeling, it just gets me ready to workout.   It helps when you are tired and you need to push harder, it gives you that extra focus and energy to push through. 
    That is really all the supplements we take. If you work hard and diet right, take a few of these supplements, it should get you there and push you through to the next level.