Thursday, February 6, 2014

How to Get Ready for a Bodybuilding or Bikini Competition.

How to get ready for a bodybuilding or bikini competition.

Hi Fitness Fans. So you want to get ready for a body building or Bikini show right?  Ok,  so here are a few of the things that you will want to start prepping for.

Pick a show and set the date.  You don't want to be like the engaged couple who never could pull the trigger and commit to a wedding date.  Setting a date and telling others will force force you to follow through.

Find a work out or accountability partner aka workout buddy.   Having someone that you can work out with will make the bodybuilding journey you are on that much easier.  If you can find a mentor that can teach you how to pose, if not we have a great video for bodybuilding posing.

Pick a nutrition plan and stick with it.  There are so many diet plans to get you ready for a bodybuilding show that it can be difficult to pick and stay with only one.   If you don't see results right away, don't jump ship and start doing something else as it will throw off your momentum.  I have seen a lot of people succeed with a carb cycling diet.

Stay motivated.  Make sure you don't compare yourself too much to your competition. As long as you are doing your diet one hundred percent and doing your lifting and cardio, then you are only competing with yourself.  Now if there is something else you can do like another set or two here and there, then have at it as competition breeds progress.

Stay positive, keep engaged with like minded people. Join a group or two on Twitter or Google Plus where you can share ideas and motivation.  

For more helpful Diet and workout tips please check us out at YouTube.
For Supplement Reviews and What our in house Natural Pro Bodybuilder, Mike Porter, takes please visit us at our site.  

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