Tuesday, February 18, 2014

How to Get Ripped and Lean. Complete Carb Cycling Diet to get in the best shape of your life.

Here is how Pro bodybuilders and fitness models get incredibly ripped for magazine covers!

Just a warning, this diet is not easy.  This diet is meant to get you to a spot where you peak and then go back to a ready state of fitness.  Meaning you look the best you possibly can, for a vacation, a competition or just because, then you go back to eating like you normally would. As this is most likely not sustainable unless you like this sort of thing. 

So, if you are working out and putting the time in at the gym and you want to see those results please read below.

Mike Porter, who is a Natural Professional Bodybuilder with NGA has gracefully provided us with his exact diet on how he gets ripped, lean and huge for a competition, a vacation or a photo shoot.

To give you a few stats on Mike-
5ft 11inches, Off season weight is about 230, competition weight is around 190.  If you are a smaller person, or a female you do not need to eat as much as Mike does.  He is trying to maintain and even try to build muscle while he is cutting down weight so his protein intake is very high.

Please watch the video to see why Mike chose this type of diet.

Mike's Carb-Cycling Diet

Day One
 Meal 1  6 egg whites
   1/2cup oatmeal (can add strawberries or walnuts)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 2  6-8oz of lean protein
   1 tsp of MCT oil
   12 oz water
 Meal 3  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 4  1 small sweet potato
 Meal 5  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)

Day 2
 Meal 1  6 egg whites
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 2  6-8oz of lean protein
   1 tsp of MCT oil
   12 oz water
 Meal 3  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 4  1 small sweet potato
 Meal 5  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)

Day 3
 Meal 1  6 egg whites
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 2  6-8oz of lean protein
   1 tsp of MCT oil
   12 oz water
 Meal 3  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 4  1 small sweet potato
 Meal 5  6-8oz of lean protein
   4oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)

Day 4 Carb up day
 Meal 1  6 egg whites
   1/2cup oatmeal (can add strawberries or walnuts)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
   ½ cantaloupe
 Meal 2  1 banana
   1 small sweat potato
   4oz orange juice
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 3  6-8oz of lean protein
   8oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)
   1 tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 4  6-8oz of lean protein
   1 small sweat potato
   1tsp of MCT oil
Meal 5  6-8oz of lean protein
   ½ cup of rice or small sweet potato
   4oz of fibrous carbs (broccoli, green beans)
   1tsp of MCT oil
 Meal 6  ½ cup of oatmeal
   small banana
   1 tsp of MCT oil

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